They provide not only pregnancy testing, but consultation with a medical professional. The center where my daughter Joni and I conducted interviews and make pictures for a magazine article, has two registered nurses on staff.
(Photo: Rachel shows items in the Center's "Baby Boutique.")
(Photo by VJon Nivens,
Classes are offered at the Center on pregnancy, parenting, healthy relationships, lifestyle issues and related concerns, and are oftentimes attended by the fathers as well as the mothers. This particular center also offers a Bible study class, which some of the parents attend even after the baby is born -- bringing the baby with them. And in which, participants have accepted Christ as Savior.
The centers also offer mentoring and emotional support and resources and referrals for medical care, housing and other social services. And, although they do not provide abortions or make referrals for them, they do offer post-abortion counseling to women who have already chosen to have an abortion.
The local center we visited, also provides free ultrasound services. But, as Rachel, the Bible Study teacher, told us, one of their most popular features is their "Baby Botique." This is a room where the parents "shop" for new or used baby items with "Mommy Bucks" (tickets they receive when attending classes at the Center).
And the parents and babies are not deserted after the babies are born. They can continue to attend classes and can shop for baby items in the Botique until their babies are a year old.
Funds for these centers come from donations -- both monetary and material -- baby showers and banquets hosted by churches and other groups, an annual "Walk" and other fund raisers.
One young mother said that the "Mommy Buck" program helped her get a crib for her baby, while she received a lot of valuable information about pregnancy and childcare.
"Everyone is wonderful," said another. "And I look forward to being here."
All the workers my daughter and I met -- teachers, counselors, office workers, nurses -- appear to be as excited as the young mothers about all the things that take place at the Center. As were Joni and I.
And I agree with the young woman who said, "It has inspired me to keep the faith." For now, when I hear about all the bad stuff going on in our society, I can think about Save-A-Life's Pregnancy Resource Centers and know that there is also a lot of good going on out there.
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